HTC Accounts For Almost Half Purchaser Smartphone Comments Online : Nokia pure view.
DigitalMR analysed over 190 ; million customer comments about smartphones across Jan-Jun 2011. Over two-thirds (69%) of these client views are positive, compared with 31% negative. HTC collects more mentions than any other brand, with a 44% market share of all positive comments and a 32% share of, the littler, negative comments group.
Next placed is Motorola with 16% of positive touches on and 21% of negative, followed by Apple – 12% positive, 15% negative. . Results are based primarily on comments posted by consumers on the major smartphone brands : Apple, Motorola, Samsung, Edge (Blackberry), HTC, LG, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Huawei and HP across Jan-June 2011. DigitalMR’s analysis (powered by SocialNuggets) is based on comments posted via a selection of applicable web sites and open access social media distribution systems. It measures, not only the number of comments posted by purchasers on the internet, but also their sentiment – whether posts are negative or positive in nature.
. M. D of DigitalMR, Michalis Michael commented : “Although Blackberry and iPhone are perceived to be the market leading models, HTC is the major player when it comes to online buzz. Its younger audience profile appears to be more vocal and their personal recommendation is a great deal more positive than negative”. With many new customers now placed to replace standard handsets with smartphones, what do existing consumers actually think about them? . 1. Net Sentiment . All the brands measured, achieve a positive Net Sentiment Score (NSS) for Jan-June, except Huawei with minus 51%. NSS provides an overall percentage score of net positive posts.
. This shows buyers are generally very happy with their devices and are sharing the good news online . Of the three most talked about brands on the internet, HTC had a NSS of 51%, followed by below average scores of 28% for Motorola and 27% for Apple. 2. Positive and negative posts . HTC generates more than three times as many positive online comments as negative, and it accounts for 44% of all positive posts among purchasers on the internet across Jan-Jun 2011. The following highest performers are Motorola 16%, followed by Apple and Samsung, both with 12%. Of all negative posts measured, HTC accounts for 32%. Motorola is next with 21%, followed by Apple 15% and Samsung 14%. 3. Features . DigitalMR measured thousands of purchaser posts per the services and features attributed to smartphones.
. For operators trying to find service enhancements, the most adversely commented upon feature was “Connectivity” which accounted for 18% of negative service related comments. However, overall comments on features are nearly 2 times as likely to be positive as negative. 4. In their words – positive purchaser comments . Connectivity : . “A mate has an HTC Need, it has all that you need.
If you have Gmail as your e-mail client, you can download an App for it which makes sending e-mail just about as simple as it is on your portable you can send attachments from your phone easy”. The site . If you not after a smartphone per say then Telstra also offer their Blue Tick range of handsets which are stated as having the best reception connectivity on NextG.
Overall the finest choice would be the Nokia N8!”. Click now for more positive purchaser comments . 5. How smartphone brands can use social media to their advantage . About the syndicated smartphone report . DigitalMR produces monthly reports which monitor thousands of customers’ online talks through comments posted on open-access social media distribution systems such as Facebook and Twitter, forums, blogs, microblogs and commercial internet sites, for comments concerning smartphone services.
The report is available on annual subscription with updates provided on a quarterly, monthly or weekly basis. Results will be updated to the press on a once a month basis. Contact . For regular reports and more information : . Michalis A.