Motivating Patients To Use Smartphone Health Programmes
Smartphone programmes are increasing in popularity and are being commonly used in health-care as health programmes. An online survey was conducted by Purchaser Health Information Corporation (CHIC) to gauge consumer interest in health applications and appraise the likelihood of patient conformity to them. The survery was distributed to smartphone shoppers at associated varsities, companies, and posted on Facebook in April 2011. Survey results were picked up from 395 respondants.
. The STYLISH survey stems from a March 2011 consumer survey showing that 26% of programs are downloaded and used only once. Of the folks that confirm using their apps, 74% drop out by the tenth use. The same survey nevertheless, also shows that 26% of smartphone applications retain consumer loyalty and are used repeatedly.
The STYLISH survey shows that the provision of a better app (34.4%) and absence of user friendliness (32.6%) are the top reasons for discontinuation of smartphone applications. Survey question : Why do you usually stop using a smartphone app? . Never stopped – 2.3% . Other – 4.8% . Incorrect – 10.2% . Not engaging – 15.8% . Not well designed – 32.6% . Found a better one – 34.4% . In general, simplicity of navigation (90.9%) was the top feature that made applications favorable.
Apropos interest in health programmes, the great majority of surveyed purchasers said that they'd be most interested in using a health app to gain information (91.1%). Survey question : How would you like to utilize a health app? (Check all that apply) . To keep a record of health info – 48.5% . To help in managing disease or drug – 58.4% . To gain information – 91.1% . Behavioral scientists hypothesize that for health programmes to be successful and change patient behavior, they ought to target inspirational needs to promote behaviour change.
A lot of surveyed consumers agreed with this and said that they might be more certain to use an interactive app that will research logged info and provide feedback (79.9%). Based primarily on this reply, personal feedback is key as it will supply the inducement for behavior change. Survey question : Would you be more certain to use a program that may analyze the info you are . Logging and give you feedback as to how you are doing? . No – 20.1% . Yes – 79.9% . A study that looked at smoking cessation applications revealed that the majority were not evidence-based nor deeply rooted in proven methods of usefulness for smokers.
Of the 47 smoking apps identified and analyzed in the study, none met the tenet recommendations. . The STYLISH survey also found that : . * Purchasers were most inclined to employ a health app to find info regarding drugs (42.2%) or . Disease states (26.5%). * 39.8% were pleased to use such a health app one or two times a day. * The bulk of consumers were either somewhat influenced by (55.8%) or much . Influenced (32.2%) by consumer ratings of apps.
* 33.4% of clients preferred health applications to be free but the majority were pleased to pay, with . 30.9% willing to pay $1.00-$5.99. * Vis preference for health-related task reminders, shoppers did not want telephone calls, . Drug vials, or email reminders.
The bulk of consumers preferred reminders thru their . Mobile telephones like text messages (41.1%), smartphone applications (20.3%), or telephone alarm . (19.5%). Survey question : How would you most wish to receive a reminder to perform a health related . Task? . Phone call – 1.3% . Humming drug vial – 2.5% . E-mail – 15.2% . Phone alarm – 19.5% . App – 20.3% . Text – 41.1% . Ultimately, it's the patient who chooses whether or not they will continue to use a program or take a drug.
Patients won't employ a smartphone app simply because it is inventive or convenient. Instead, they desire something that's convenient and will help them shed light upon their health-related tasks. Additionally, it's not enough to have a health app that simply aids in managing or maintain a record of one’s health, patients also need feedback. Such an app should additionally be accurate and follow clinical and behaviour modification rules. The high dropout rate with smartphone apps is concerning to the health care industry because smartphone apps are beginning to play an important role in medical care. The most recent pharmaceutical industry report by Ernst & Young from Feb 2011 exposes in 2010 new initiatives in health technology by pharmaceutical companies increased by 78%. An amazing 41% of those new initiatives were smartphone apps.
For the time and resources invested, pharma companies need to ensure that their investments in smartphone apps don't fall into the 26% that are used only once but instead into the 26% that are used repeatedly. Smartphone health programmes will be effective as patient adherence tools only if they may be able to keep client loyalty. Based totally on the outcome of this survey, our company concludes that while smartphone programs represent a cutting edge system of patient outreach and education, more research needs to be conducted on their efficiency as patient adherence tools. . About Customer Health Information Concern . With over twenty-five years of experience in patient education, Buyer Health Information Company is the business frontrunner in proven patient adherence methods, health literacy, and patient education program development for prescription drugs, over the counter (OTC) products and medical devices.
Our programs for pharma corporations have increased product ROI by at least 50%.